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With Shared Lives, Kevin overcame alcohol addiction and ended his cycle of hospital stays

When Kevin first came to Shared Lives, he was struggling to live a full, independent life, but thanks to the teamwork of his Shared Lives carer, his social worker, and his own determination, he’s turned things around for the better.

Before Shared Lives

‘Before Shared Lives I was a total mess’, says Kevin. His alcohol dependency had taken over his daily life and he found himself riding the revolving door or hospital admissions. No sooner had he been discharged he was back in A&E. His relationships around him were suffering and he was really struggling to see a way forward.

His social worker at the time, now Labour MP, Kim Johnson, said: ‘As a social worker, I referred someone to PSS Shared Lives who was struggling to cope with their alcohol dependency. They were being readmitted to hospital over and over.’

Before Shared Lives I was a total mess, now I haven't had a drink for nearly eight years'
Paul and kevin stand together in the reception area of PSS. Paul is a tall man! He's head and shoulders above Kevin who is older than Paul and uses a walking stick. They're stood together like old friends, there's a lot of love and respect between them. Paul is white and has great short hair, he wears a baggy blue t shirt and jeans while Kevin as a PSS lanyard on because he's a volunteer at the offices.
supported in Shared Lives

A fresh start for Kevin

It became clear before the end of Kevin’s 6-week arrangement that he’d continue to thrive if he stayed in Shared Lives for longer term. We worked with his home from hospital carers to find a Shared Lives carer who could support Kevin for a while longer so that he could kick the habit forever.

Once we’d found the right carer for Kevin, Paul, they got to work putting Kevin in touch with local community support groups that would go on to give him the strength he needed to change things around for himself. After a lot of support and commitment to his future, Kevin hasn’t touched a drop of alcohol for the last 8 years.

Kim Johnson MP said: ‘By being placed in Shared Lives, they didn’t just stay out of hospital, this person went on to complete the 12-step AA programme and now acts as a sponsor for others. He’s reconnected with family and is still supported by his Shared Lives carer several years later.’

Shared Lives carer, Paul, said: ‘Kevin’s sister used to have to fight for him, for his care, for his benefits and for his wellbeing. Now that’s my job and because she can entrust his care to me, it means she can be a sister again. I’m so proud that they took their first ever family holiday together recently.’ 


'By being placed in Shared Lives, they didn't just stay out of hospital, this person went on to complete the 12-step AA programme and now acts as a sponsor for others. He's reconnected with family and is still supported by his Shared Lives carer several years later.’
Kim Johnson

In this video, Kevin talks in his own words about what Shared Lives did for him, and why he gives back to PSS as a volunteer to say thank you: