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Learning needs are embraced and supported with Shared Lives

James’ life was pretty different before he started using Shared Lives. It wasn’t often that he left the house and his learning needs made it tough for him to get out and about, even with support from his parents. He’d stopped going to college and spent most of his time at home, sticking to his routines and watching his favourite sports on TV.

While he was safe in his comfort zone, James felt pretty alone and his parents could see he wasn’t happy. They knew something needed to change so during a social care review, they reached out for support. That’s when Shared Lives came into the picture.

A helping hand through Shared Lives

PSS Shared Lives carer, Nicki, was matched with James and PSS introduced them to each other so that they could take things slowly. Just as James felt ready, he went on a short visit to Nicki’s house. It wasn’t long before James started to feel comfortable with Nicki, and that’s when everything started to change for him.

Living life to the fullest

Six months on, James’ life has completely turned around. He’s back at college, which is a place he’d once loved but stopped going to. Every week, he goes on exciting outings with Nicki and the other people she supports. They’ve made so many memories together already like sharing laughs over coffee at the local shops, exploring a local owl and bird sanctuary and even getting competitive with a spot of indoor sports!

James, a white male in his 20s wears a red cap and a red jacket and jeans. He's outside a coffee shop enjoying a taekaway coffee and smiling brightly at the camera. He's clearly out and about in his community and loving it.
James has gone from never leaving his bedroom to getting out and about on the local high street for a coffee with Nikki, his Shared Lives carer

James’ epilepsy means he keep an eye on his hunger levels because it can trigger seizures. Nicki always makes sure there’s a health snack close by and supports him to stay healthy and safe.

James’ mum says the difference in him is incredible. She’s overwhelmed by the support Nicki has given to James and the smile on James’ face says it all – he’s thriving, and his confidence is growing every day.

Ready to make a difference?

Shared Lives carers support people like James to live their best lives. You don’t need any specific qualifications, just a big heart, a spare room, and a willingness to help someone thrive. Carers are self-employed and receive training, support, and a fee for the amazing work they do.

If you’ve ever thought about making a difference, now’s the time. Find out how you can become a Shared Lives carer today.