Empower someone to live their life to the fullest...
Become a Shared Lives Carer Now
in Lincolnshire
So, what is Shared Lives?
Shared Lives is a little bit like fostering, but with the big difference that it’s for people over the age of 16 (or 18 in Wales) who want to live as independently as possible.
Shared Lives carers provide people with the practical and emotional support they need to live life the way they want to. Our Shared Lives carers support people either while they live with them, or just for the day. They can also become a Shared Lives carer to continue supporting someone they foster after they turn 16 (if they have personal care support needs) or 18.

We’ll be there to support you as a carer
At PSS we’ve got dedicated Shared Lives teams at each of our scheme locations to support you in your role as a Shared Lives carer.

Shared Lives stories from all walks of life
Shared Lives carers make such a huge difference in the lives of the people we support. Watch our collection of videos we’ve been sent from people using Shared Lives.

Apply to be a Shared Lives carer in your area
We take our assessment of new carers really seriously, but we’re all a friendly bunch and we try to make the whole thing as informal and stress-free as possible.
Our amazing carers make Shared Lives possible...
Josie, Shared Lives carer, PSS Norfolk
Sue, Shared Lives carer

Brian, Shared Lives carer, PSS Wales
Interested in becoming a Shared Lives carer? Let your local team call you for a quick chat